”Yvonne Nimar är född 1952 i Västerås och har sedan tidigt 90-tal varit verksam som konstnär. Hon arbetar huvudsakligen med skulptur i material som lera, sten, papper, brons och glas. Flertal gånger har hon arbetat och haft utställningar i Indien, Portugal, Italien samt Bohuslän och Gotland i Sverige.

Valet av material är grundläggande för Nimars arbeten och hon drivs av att på skilda platser utgå ifrån det material som hittas, för att arbeta fram den form hon eftersträvar och den struktur stenen kräver. Oavsett om en ser på de mer figurativa verken eller de abstrakta, undersöker hon känslouttryck, stämningar och karaktärsdrag som vi uppfattar som allmänna.”


”Emma Larsson was born in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1977.  Since her teenage years, Emma  has had her own art studio.  Even though she studied art, she did not do higher art education as she started to have a large family.  She considers herself self-taught.  Now that her children are getting older, her full-time commitment is to her Art. Also renowned on Instagram as @zebrakadebra, she has an impressive following of over 110K followers from all over the world. 

Larsson’s watercolors, paintings, collages and sculptures are in constant flow. She describes her creative process as the synergy between the artist, the material and an unknown presence, that she calls “force”.  She is not analytic.  Emma’s paintings are purely intuitive, they source from pleasure and freedom.  She starts with a blank paper and follow the flow.  In her spare time, she walks in the virgin forests surrounding the city she lives in, Stockholm.  She finds most of her inspiration in nature’s shapes, colors and patterns, leading to abstract and moving forms in her paintings. 

Emma Larsson has been exhibited in Sweden, Denmark, UK, and now the USA.  She has done numerous collaborations in different mediums with high-profiled brands such as H&M/COS, SOHO House London, Rahel Comey, Artpieces, ShowStudio (Nick Night and Bex Cassie), Martimore House London, Anamika Khanna and more.  Larsson and her artworks have also been featured in Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, WeTransfer/WePresent, Woman’s Health Magazine USA, REVS Magazine, Chor Data Magazine USA and more.”

Simard Bilodeau Contemporary galleri